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General Abbreviations

PASS A Candidate is pass when award is shown in the result field.
Only External Marks in Reappear subject is shown
R Re-appear in the paper given in the result field.
PRS Previous result stand in the case of improvement candidate.
RL-R Result later on due to non confirmation of eligibility by the Registration Branch.
RL-FEE Result later on due to non-adjustment of fee accounts.
RL- AD Result later on due to awards dispute.
RL- WRN Result later on due to Wrong Roll.No.
RL- AW Result later on for want of awards in certain papers.
RL-Ee Result later on for want of confirmation of eligibility by the Examination Branch.
C.C Candidature Cancelled.
RL-Lower Result later on for want of declaration of result of lower examination.
(EX) External Paper
(INT) Internal Paper
(**) (-2 means Award wanting),(-1 means Zero Marks)(-3 means Absent),(-9 option not adopted),(-4 means UMC)
MARKS 0 Fail in said subject
1. Punjabi University is not responsible for any error in the results being published on NET.
2. The results published on net are for immediate information only, for confirmation please consult the concerned gazette.
3. These results cannot be treated as original mark sheets.
4. Original mark sheets have been issued by the Punjabi University.

Administrative Enquiry


Admission Enquiry


Examination Enquiry


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